Monday, September 27, 2010


This is the biggest and best news I have ever heard as an American Rammstein fan.
It is set in stone that Rammstein is to play a concert in the US on December 11, 2010!
They will be playing at Madison Square Garden in New York City!
This is fucking great!  I must go.

Sorry I don't have more info on it now I will keep and eye and an ear to the ground for more info on when tickets will be sold and how to get them.
I am just too excited right now.

Pre-sale for tickets will start October 8, 2010.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Not much news to report on Rammstein lately.  I will keep looking for anything that may come up.
In the mean time I will suggest that you all visit the Rammstein online store.  It's very kick-ass.  I have bought things from them in the recent past and I will undoubtedly order things again in the future, when I have money to buy anything.
They have tons of amazing posters, clothes, flags, bags (messenger and purses), key charms, window decals, you can buy all their albums on the site as well as their DVDs.  There is just a ton of awesome things on there.
Here's the link!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Upcoming Tour Dates in Latin America

 There are a few tour dates coming up soon in Latin America!  Anyone near these places should attend!  If you get pictures and or videos you can send them to my e-mail and I will post them along with any others I receive and you will be credited for being the one who submitted them.  (Do not send photos that you did not take i.e. pictures taken from the internet!) 

And now, here are the tour dates!

November 25, 2010     Santiago, Chile

November 27, 2010     Buenos Aires, Argentina

November 30, 2010     Sao Paulo, Brazil

December 03, 2010      Bogota, Colombia

December 06, 2010     Mexico City, Mexico

December 07, 2010     Mexico City, Mexico

Tour dates from

Friday, September 17, 2010

First post!

This is the first of waht I hope to be many posts on this blog.
If you couldn't tell this is basically a Rammstein fan page, if that's what you would like to call it.
I will post things about Rammstein; pictures, videos, my thoughts, other's thoughts, news, tour dates/locations, and my Rammstein things.

If you love Rammstein this is the place to be!